Get painless minimally-invasive laparoscopic surgery for permanent treatment of appendicitis

Appendicitis can hinder a person's day to day life activities. Now you can get the most advanced minimally-invasive surgical treatment and permanently get away with the problem of appendicitis.

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According to the NABH Norms

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What is Appendicitis?

Appendicitis is a medical condition where the appendix becomes inflamed and filled with pus, causing severe abdominal pain. The appendix is a small 3 and a 1/2-inch-long pouch joined to the large intestine on the lower right side of your belly (abdomen).

Appendicitis typically starts with pain around the navel. Within hours, the pain travels to the lower right-hand side, where the appendix usually lies and becomes constant and severe as the inflammation worsens. Although anyone can develop appendicitis at any age, most often it occurs in people between the ages of 10 and 30. At Pristyn Care, we have the finest doctors and medical coordinators who will take care of you until you are relieved.

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    Overview of Appendicitis

    Causes of Appendicitis

    Blockage of the opening in the appendix

    Hard, rock-like stool

    Any abdomen injury or trauma

    Infection in the gastrointestinal tract or swollen lymph nodes in the intestines

    Cancerous Tumor or parasites

    Symptoms of Appendicitis

    Dull pain near the navel

    Pain increases when taking deep breaths, cough, or sneeze

    Nausea ,vomiting and inability to pass gas

    Loss of appetite

    Low-grade fever

    Treatment of Appendicitis


    The doctor will review your medical history, especially any digestive illnesses and will ask about your digestive symptoms that include timings of your most recent bowel movements, character (watery or hard), and whether the stool was streaked with blood or mucus. Then the doctor will check for pain in your lower right abdomen. After the physical examination, your doctor will order blood tests to check for signs of infection and a urinalysis to rule out a urinary tract problem. Your doctor may order an ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scan to help confirm the diagnosis. In very young children, a chest X-ray may be needed to rule out pneumonia.


    The doctor will operate to take out the infected appendix called appendectomy. Surgery is highly recommended at the earliest As it has the potential to burst about 48 to 72 hours after early symptoms. This can spread bacteria inside the body and be fatal. There are two surgical methods used based on severity. Our doctors at Pristyn Care recommends a laparoscopic surgery.

    • Laparoscopic Surgery:Surgeon uses a small device called a laparoscope to remove the appendix through a small cut on the belly. The laparoscope has a tiny video camera and surgical tools. The tube, camera and tools are put in through the incisions. The surgeon does the surgery while looking at a TV monitor and removes the appendix. It is minimally invasive, one can get back to normal routine in 2-3 days and minimum size scar and wounds.
    • Laparotomy: A type of open surgery where one incision is done in the right area of the abdomen or in the midline to remove the appendix. This treatment is used in the emergency case of burst appendix. The surgeon could clean the abdomen and remove the appendix(Burst appendicitis) or drain the rest of the pus with the help of a tube through the abdominal wall and then remove the appendix(Appendicular abscess). After surgery strenuous activities may be avoided for upto 6 weeks.

    Since Appendix is still a mystery in medical community, there are no guaranteed ways to prevent appendicitis.

    Why Surgicare ?

    Surgicare is COVID-19 safe

    our safety is taken care of by thermal screening, social distancing, sanitized clinics and hospital rooms, sterilized surgical equipment and mandatory PPE kits during surgery.

    Post Surgery Care

    We offer free follow-up consultations and instructions including dietary tips as well as exercises to every patient to ensure they have a smooth recovery to their daily routines.

    Medical Expertise With Technology

    Our surgeons spend a lot of time with you to diagnose your condition. You are assisted in all pre-surgery medical diagnostics. Our procedures are according to the norms of NABH.

    Assisted Surgery Experience

    A dedicated Medical Coordinator assists you throughout the surgery journey from insurance paperwork, to free commute from home to hospital & back and admission-discharge process at the hospital.

    Frequently   Asked Questions

    If you have appendicitis, delaying the treatment can cause complications. Inflammation alone can cause the appendix to rupture, sometimes as soon as 48 to 72 hours after the symptoms begin. A rupture can cause bacteria, stool, and air to leak into the abdomen, causing infection and further complications, which can be fatal.

    Appendicitis usually starts with mild fever, loss of appetite, and pain near the belly button. The pain may come and go, but it will gradually increase and eventually become constant. After the onset of abdominal pain, nausea and sometimes vomiting may follow.

    When is an appendix surgery needed?

    Appendix surgery is needed when an infection is formed in the appendix making it swell and inflame. An infection makes the appendix clogged with stool and bacteria which leads to abnormal functioning of the appendix.

    Surgery is considered to be the fastest and the most effective way to remove the defective appendix. To prevent the appendix from bursting, doctors often recommend surgery. Symptoms of appendix that warrant surgery are:

    • severe stomach pain
    • pain that starts near the belly button and spreads to the right abdomen
    • swelling in the abdomen
    • nausea and vomiting
    • loss of appetite
    • diarrhoea or constipation
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    What is appendectomy? Are there any risks and complications of appendectomy?

    The surgical approach of removal of the appendix is known as appendectomy. It is a very common surgery and is performed for appendicitis, the condition in which the appendix gets inflamed and infected. Appendectomy is the quickest way to provide relief from appendicitis symptoms.

    Appendectomy can be performed in two ways – open and laparoscopic. The surgical approach is defined by the doctor after considering factors like the patient’s medical history and severity of the condition.

    Open appendectomy – In this procedure, the surgeon makes an open incision on the left side of the abdomen and removes the appendix through it. Once done, the surgeon closes the incision with stitches. This process is mostly performed in case of a burst or ruptured appendix.

    Laparoscopic appendectomy – In laparoscopic appendectomy, the surgeon makes a few tiny incisions in the abdomen and inserts a narrow, thin tube that has a camera attached to it. The camera displays the images inside the abdomen on a screen. With the visuals, the doctor guides the laparoscopic instruments to the appendix. The surgeon ties the appendix and removes it and then closes the incisions. Laparoscopic surgery for the appendix is suggested for people who are overweight or the ones who cannot afford to spend a long time recovering.

    Both forms of appendectomy are safe and create no complications for the patient. However, some side effects that may occur after appendectomy are:

    • infection
    • bleeding
    • bowel movement that is not clear
    • injury to the nearby organs

    But, if the surgery is performed at the hands of an experienced surgeon, these complications or risks are not likely to occur.

    What are the advantages of laparoscopic surgery for appendicitis?

    Every case of appendicitis is different from each other and hence the recovery results may vary depending on many factors. But there are a few universal benefits of laparoscopic surgery for appendicitis that make it the most preferable treatment. The advantages are:

    • Short stay at the hospital
    • No pain after the surgery
    • Quicker recovery after the surgery
    • No scars on the surgical site

    Is appendix surgery painful?

    Like any other surgery, appendix surgery too might feel a little painful and discomforting. The pain is absolutely normal and goes away in a few days time. In many cases, the pain might spread from the abdomen to the other nearby parts of the body, but there is nothing to fret about unless the pain is unbearable. In a normal scenario, the pain disappears within 2-4 days.

    To relieve the pain, the doctor may recommend you taking pain-killers and antibiotics. Make sure not to take any medicine without the recommendation of the doctor. Many people recover after the surgery without taking any pain medicines. In case your pain and discomfort continue for more than a week, you should consult your doctor without any delay.

    When to consult a doctor after laparoscopic appendix surgery?

    Usually, a patient does not feel the need to follow-up or consult a doctor after laparoscopic appendix surgery because the process is completely safe. In any case, you experience any of the following symptoms, make sure to call the doctor.

    • Severe pain in the surgical site
    • Swelling in the abdomen
    • Fever over 101 degrees that last for more than 2 days
    • Trouble passing bowel movements
    • Persistent cough and trouble breathing
    • Redness and itching in the surgical site

    Tips for healthy recovery after laparoscopic appendectomy

    Recovery after a laparoscopic appendectomy is usually hassle-free. But the time taken for complete recovery may differ from individual to individual. Here are a few tips you can follow to ensure a smooth and healthy recovery.

    1. Take ample rest. Surgery disturbs the body’s natural response and hence it is necessary to allow the body some time to heal.
    2. Follow your medication chart without fail. Missing the medicines could mean slowing the healing process of the body. To avoid this, follow your doctor’s advice about the medications.
    3. Get back to physical activities gradually. When you feel that your body is ready for some physical movement, start it slow. Do not indulge in any strenuous activities at once.

    Know More   About Surgicare ?

    All humans deserve equal treatment but everyone cannot afford costly treatments at multispeciality or super-specialty hospitals.

    In India, many people don’t even have mediclaim to deal with medical emergencies. Also, there is a lack of experienced professionals to consult for a second opinion in case of surgery. Surgicare & ICU is built keeping in view the above points. It offers surgery and post-surgery critical care.

    Surgicare & ICU Hospital is well equipped for all kinds of surgeries and offers one of the best ICU teams of Vadodara to take care of critical patients. It offers help to all those patients who do not have mediclaim but need treatments. Surgicare & ICU offers the opportunity for second opinions.

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